Bulletin of Pharmaceutical and medical sciences (BOPAMS)
aspire to select and publish, through peer review, the
highest quality research. In order to achieve this goal, the
entire peer review and publication process should be
thorough, objective and fair.
reputation depends heavily on the trust by all stakeholders
in the fairness of the peer review and publication process.
A formal code of ethics, outlining guidelines for good
behavior and proposing solutions to ethical dilemmas facing
Authors, Editors and Reviewers, can build stakeholder trust
and improve journal reputation. With this goal in mind, the
BOPAMS Code of Ethics is designed to be a comprehensive
policy for peer review and publication ethics in the
Research Journal of English Language and Literature.
The Code
describes BOPAMS policies for ensuring the ethical treatment
of all participants in the peer review and publication
process. BOPAMS Authors, Editors and Reviewers are
encouraged to study these guidelines and address any
questions or concerns to the BOPAMS Editor,
When an Author submits a manuscript to BOPAMS, the
manuscript must be an original work.
Authors must not submit the same work, in whole or in part,
to two places of publication at the same time, or at any
time while the manuscript is under review at BOPAMS. It is
also improper for an Author to submit a manuscript
describing essentially the same research to more than one
place of publication. Thus, an Author may not submit to
BOPAMS a work that is in whole or in part under review
elsewhere, nor submit to another publication outlet a work
that is in whole or in part under review at BOPAMS
All work in the manuscript should be free of any plagiarism
or falsification.
Plagiarism takes many forms, from "passing off" another's
paper as the Author's own paper, to copying or paraphrasing
substantial parts of another's paper without attribution, to
claiming results from research conducted by others. Authors
are expected to explicitly cite others' work and ideas, even
if the work or ideas are not quoted verbatim or paraphrased.
This standard applies whether the previous work is
published, unpublished, or electronically available.
Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing
behavior and is unacceptable.
In instances the Editor deems as "major" plagiarism, the
paper will be rejected and authors may be barred from
submitting to BOPAMS for a period of time. In cases of
"minor" plagiarism, the authors would be asked to rephrase
the duplicate sentences.
BOPAMS reserves the right to evaluate issues of plagiarism
and redundancy on a case-by-case basis.
Double-Blind Review:
BOPAMS follows a double-blind review process, whereby
Authors do not know Reviewers and vice versa. Authors should
respect the confidentiality of the review process and should
not reveal themselves to Reviewers, and vice versa. For
example, the manuscript should not include any
self-revealing information that would identify the Author to
a Reviewer.
Authors should not post their submitted manuscript
(including working papers and prior drafts) on websites
where it could be easily discovered by potential Reviewers.
Independence: BOPAMS Editors must maintain their editorial
independence and work to ensure that Authors have editorial
freedom. Responsibility for acceptance or rejection of
manuscripts rests with the Editors. Doing so normally
entails advice from Reviewers; however, manuscripts that
Editors deem clearly inappropriate may be rejected without
such review.