Why Publish with BOPAMS


Choosing where to send a paper is always a difficult decision. Here are several ways in which you will benefit by publishing your paper in BOPAMS rather than another journal.

1.     Wide dissemination. As an open access journal, articles in BOPAMS will always be freely available online, from our website and from different indexing database to anyone with internet access. This means that your work will have the broadest possible audience—the entire world. And recent studies have begun to suggest that open access articles get downloaded and cited more frequently. 

2.     Fast and professional peer reviewBOPAMS is run by a team of experienced editors who have previously worked in medical publishing. The professional editors work closely with academic editors and peer reviewers to provide authors with an efficient, fair, and constructive review process. 

3.     Pre-submission inquiries. We are happy to look at abstracts or full papers prior to submission and will let you know within 48 hours whether we will consider the full paper. 

4.     Rapid publication. Because we are primarily an online journal, once a paper is accepted we do not have to wait for space to become available in the print journal before the paper is published. The time between acceptance and online publication is normally around days to one week, and can be expedited under special circumstances. 

5.     Author-friendly editing. We will not totally rewrite your paper to conform to house style. We will, of course, help authors whose first language is not English. In addition, we will not ask you to shorten your paper unnecessarily, although we do require papers to be written concisely. 

6.     No need to order reprints. Our open access license means that anyone can reprint and distribute our content, so long as they credit the author and cite the original source. Commercial publishing companies make huge profits reprinting your work—now you have an alternative. 

Your research has the chance to have a high impactBOPAMS continuously increase the quality of the content. Impact factors are only one measure of a journal's importance. There are a number of ways of measuring a journal's impact, including the influence it has on health policy, how widely read its papers are, and how frequently the papers are cited by other researchers